Keep your diet on track this holiday season

Holiday dinners are filled with heaping dishes of comfort foods, fattening favorites and savory treats. It is no wonder these meals often leave us feeling stuffed with guilt and holiday remorse…

Bulging bellies and phosphorus linked to kidney disease

Losing belly fat and cutting down on processed, phosphorus-laden foods may help reduce the risk of kidney disease, claim researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. Previous studies have shown that it is not just how much fat you have, but where it is on your body that increases the risk of certain diseases…

Comfort eaters may consume less in good times

When faced with stress, does the very thought of food turn your stomach, or do you instantly reach for a burger and fries or a bar of chocolate? People who seek solace in food during times of stress are usually the ones told to regulate their bad habits, but new research from Germany finds that, in good times, stress eaters eat much less…

Teens who eat lots of chocolate tend to be slimmer

Another study appears to find benefits from eating chocolate: researchers from the University of Granada in Spain analzying data on European teenagers found a strong link between high chocolate consumption and low levels of body fat.

A high protein diet and meal replacements can reduce rebound weight gain

New research shows that there are several effective strategies available to people wanting to avoid regaining weight after a successful diet. Anti-obesity drugs, meal replacements and a high protein diet can help weight loss maintenance, according to a meta-analysis published in the scientific periodical The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition…

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