Coconut water is an excellent sports drink — for light exercise

Coconut water (Coconut liquid endosperm) is widely consumed in many countries as a refreshing beverage but its unique chemical composition of electrolytes and nutrients can make it a good natural substitute of sports drink.

Foods That Elevate Moods

New evidence reveals the possibility of mood-enhancing effects associated with some flavors, stemming at least in part from natural ingredients bearing a striking chemical similarity to valproic acid, a widely used prescription mood-stabilizing drug, scientists reported. This effect joins those previously reported for chocolate, teas and some other known comfort foods…

Seniors Could Be More Steady On Their Feet After Consuming Red Wine Compound

In a stride toward better health in later life, scientists reported that resveratrol, the so-called “miracle molecule” found in red wine, might help improve mobility and prevent life-threatening falls among older people…

Turmeric Spices Up Virus Study

The popular spice turmeric packs more than just flavor – it shows promise in fighting devastating viruses, Mason researchers recently discovered…