Tiny Vitamin In Milk Makes For Mightier Mice

A new study reveals that giving mice high doses of a tiny, newly-found relative of vitamin B3 that is present naturally in milk makes them leaner, faster and stronger and less prone to chronic illnesses like obesity and diabetes, even when fed on a high-fat diet…

Ground-Breaking Research Reveals Government Must Focus On Healthy Children’s Diets To Prevent Diabetes

June 15th 2012 represents a ground-breaking date in the history of diabetes research.

Natural Antioxidant Discovered That Can Protect Against Cardiovascular Disease

University of Minnesota Medical School researchers have collaborated with the School of Public Health and discovered an enzyme that, when found at high levels and alongside low levels of HDL (good cholesterol), can dramatically reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease…

Nectarines, Plums And Peaches May Fight Obesity And Diabetes

Stone fruits, also known as drupes, such as nectarines, plums and peaches, may contain useful compounds that help fight-off metabolic syndrome, which can lead to diabetes, heart attack and stroke, say researchers from Texas AgriLife Research, a member of Texas A & M University System…

Can Too Much Salt Damage Blood Vessels? Yes

Excessive salt intake can damage blood vessels, as well as raising the risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure), a Dutch population study revealed in the journal Circulation, which belongs to the American Heart Association. As background information, the authors explained that in people with normal blood pressure, a diet high in salt has virtually no acute effect on blood pressure…